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Love this series. And I’m inspired by your question of: “Why are we so unimaginative?”…Honestly, I think it’s because caring is exhausting. But it’s also what makes us human. When you mix that burnout with the feeling that the system is too broken to fix, and the temptation to give in to bandaid fixes (which are too often soaked with the infection that caused the wound in the first place)—we get stuck. Caring burns us out, but it’s also what keeps us moving forward. And that’s where the opportunity lies.

Imagination isn’t absent—it’s constrained. Unleashing it requires us to take actionable steps, however imperfect. The steps? Not sure what they are but we need to keep caring. Embedding a mindset of transformation into every policy conversation? The transpo policy landscape we navigate is sooo messy—but it’s not immune to the force of collective, intentional change. That’s the challenge and the promise: to act as if change is possible because it is. We just need to get on the same page and start singing the same tune (I’m on my soapbox). Can’t wait for part III!!!!!

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